The bylaws of the Redlands Area Democratic Club are currently under review.
At our December meeting, the membership voted unanimously to make one change to the bylaws which moves club elections from December of even numbered years to March of odd numbered years. The rationale was that the least attended meeting of the year should not be the time when new club leadership is elected. By moving to March, we give our membership time to come through the holidays and ADEM elections, and then move ahead with officer elections.
Additional changes are now under consideration. The 5-member bylaws committee worked for several months to review the existing bylaws and proposes changes that both clarify and modernize the workings of the club. The proposed changes will be reviewed in a special meeting from 11 am to 1 pm, on January 9th. (Register for the bylaws review.) And again at the regular club meeting at 11 am on January 16th. (Register for the January club meeting.)
The complete changes proposed by the bylaws committee can be downloaded here.
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