We will update our Endorsements before the Primary Election - June 2, 2026
#RedlandsDems--here are RADC's EndorsementsStatewide Proposition Recommendations from the California Democratic State Party...and Local Measures/Candidates...
Please note that RADC could only consider candidates who are registered Democrats for the Club's endorsements.
The Redlands Area Democratic Club's endorsements will be submitted to the San Bernardino County Democratic Party's Central Committee for their final endorsement vote. After that vote, RADC may either agree with the final endorsement or opt not to endorse in a particular race should the final endorsement not line up with our Club's.

Also join RADC and help us continue our work by visiting our RADC Membership page.

All endorsement outreach is paid for by Redlands Area Democratic Club donations and not authorized by a candidate or a committee controlled by a candidate.

Will you sign?
68,236 endorsements so far. Help us get to 80,000