The Redlands Area Democratic Voice Newsletter is here and ready for reading! Click HERE to access it.
And join us at our General Meeting on Saturday, September 16, 2023, at 11:00 am at the Redlands Teachers Association to meet some of our 2024 Democrat candidates and to learn about more ways you can get involved. The 2024 election season is almost here and getting out the vote to ensure that we #FlipTheIEBlue is more important than ever. We have to grow the Dem majority in the Senate and we have to take back the House AND keep the White House.
No one person can do it all. But if we all pitch in, we can cover the ground and build not only a more inclusive and sustainable Redlands, we can help lead the way to doing so across our state and nation. Both US democracy itself *and* a planet inhabitable by humans are on the line.
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